June 2, 2009



I saw "Batman Begins" with my brother on Saturday night. It is about the comic book hero Batman.

I know that comic books are for babies, but I thought "Batman Begins" was awesome. There are so many fights in this movie it was unbelievable. When I got out I wanted to punch everything in the world.

Some of the things I punched include:
  1. The air
  2. My movie ticket
  3. My brother in the arm. Now he has a mark on his arm and he was mad at me. We didn't speak at all on the ride home, but that is okay because I had mapquest directions so I knew how to get home anyway. Screw him, you know what I mean. Don't get mad at me because I am so strong. I told this to his stupid face.
  4. A movie display of "Herbie: Totally Unloaded." I was so upset when I knocked this display over. This is a movie I want to see hard but now the movie manager has kicked me out of the theater for a few weeks. They wrote my name on some list of people banned from the movie theater. I had to apologize to some old lady who fell down because the display fell on her. The movie theater can reinstate me, but I need three references from people I know. It's sort of like the steroid rule in baseball, but only tougher. For my references I am going to use Dr. Sulis (my foot doctor), Stan and Cindy from next door and Sasha one of my ex-coworkers. He is from Yugoslavia and people love to respect foreigners. I bet he is probably a powerful diplomat.

Also, you will not believe this. Katie Holmes is in the movie. She is dating Tom Cruise who is a really old man. Many people are signing up to for the "Free Katie Holmes" movement. I don't know if petitions will help but I sent one around before the movie started and got almost 250 signatures. If you know where I can send this petition to please let me know.

Also, another thing about this movie is it is probably a good date movie. I saw about five couples making out next to me. Some of them were really going at it.

So there it is: "Batman Begins." Go see it if you dare to see it.

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